
1. Resembling fibrin. 2. A deeply or brilliantly acidophilic, homogeneous, proteinaceous material that: 1) is frequently formed in the walls of blood vessel s and in connective tissue of patients with such diseases as disseminated lupus erythematosus, polyarteritis nodosa, scleroderma, dermatomyositis, and rheumatic fever; 2) is sometimes observed in healing wounds, chronic peptic ulcers, the placenta, necrotic arterioles of malignant hypertension, and other unrelated conditions. [fibrin + G. eidos, resemblance]

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fi·bri·noid 'fib-rə-.nȯid, 'fīb- n, often attrib a homogeneous acidophilic refractile material that somewhat resembles fibrin and is formed in the walls of blood vessels and in connective tissue in some pathological conditions and normally in the placenta

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resembling the protein fibrin.

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fi·brin·oid (fiґbrin-oid) [fibrin + -oid] 1. resembling fibrin. 2. a homogeneous, eosinophilic, refractile, relatively acellular material with some of the tinctorial properties of fibrin.

Medical dictionary. 2011.