
SYN: follicle. [L. a small sac, dim. of follis, bellows]
- folliculi glandulae thyroideae the small spherical vesicular components of the thyroid gland lined with epithelium and containing colloid in varying amounts; the colloid serves for storage of the thyroid hormone precursor, thyroglobulin. SYN: follicles of thyroid gland.
- folliculi linguales collections of lymphoid tissue in the mucosa of the pharyngeal part of the tongue posterior to the terminal sulcus collectively forming the lingual tonsil. SYN: lenticular papillae, lingual follicles.
- folliculi lymphatici aggregati SYN: aggregated lymphoid nodules of small intestine, under nodule.
- folliculi lymphatici aggregati appendicis vermiformis SYN: aggregated lymphoid nodules, under nodule.
- folliculi lymphatici gastrici SYN: gastric lymphoid nodules, under nodule.
- folliculi lymphatici laryngei SYN: laryngeal lymphoid nodules, under nodule.
- folliculi lymphatici lienales SYN: splenic lymph follicles, under follicle.
- folliculi lymphatici recti scattered collections of lymphoid tissue in the wall of the rectum. SYN: lymphatic follicles of rectum.
- folliculi lymphatici solitarii SYN: solitary lymphatic nodules, under nodule.
- f. lymphaticus SYN: lymphoid nodule.
- f. ovaricus primarius SYN: primary ovarian follicle.
- f. ovaricus vesiculosus SYN: vesicular ovarian follicle.
- f. pili [TA] SYN: hair follicle.

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fol·lic·u·lus fə-'lik-yə-ləs n, pl -li -.lī, -.lē FOLLICLE

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fol·lic·u·lus (fə-likґu-ləs) gen. and pl. folliґculi [L., dim. of follis a leather bag] follicle: a very small excretory or secretory sac or gland.

Medical dictionary. 2011.