
A form of paresthesia or tactile hallucination; a sensation as if small insects are creeping under the skin. [L. formica, ant]

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for·mi·ca·tion .fȯr-mə-'kā-shən n an abnormal sensation resembling that made by insects creeping in or on the skin

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a prickling sensation said to resemble the feeling of ants crawling over the skin. It is sometimes a symptom of drug intoxication and has also been reported by patients with Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis.

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for·mi·ca·tion (for″mĭ-kaґshən) [L. formica ant] a tactile hallucination in which there is a sensation of tiny insects crawling over the skin; most commonly seen in cocaine or amphetamine intoxication. Called also Magnan sign.

Medical dictionary. 2011.