- d'Arsonval g. a sensitive g. consisting of a moving coil suspended in a permanent magnetic field between delicate metallic wires or ribbons that serve as both torsion springs and conductors; a mirror on the coil deflects a beam of light along the scale.
- Einthoven string g. the original instrument on which Einthoven developed the first electrocardiogram.
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gal·va·nom·e·ter .gal-və-'näm-ət-ər n an instrument for detecting or measuring a small electric current by movements of a magnetic needle or of a coil in a magnetic field
gal·va·no·met·ric -nō-'me-trik adj
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gal·va·nom·e·ter (gal″və-nomґə-tər) [galvanism + -meter] an instrument for measuring current by electromagnetic action.Medical dictionary. 2011.