
The hydrolysis of glycogen to glucose.

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gly·co·gen·ol·y·sis .glī-kə-jə-'näl-ə-səs n, pl -y·ses -.sēz the breakdown of glycogen esp. to glucose in the animal body compare GLYCOGENESIS
gly·co·gen·o·lyt·ic -jən-əl-'it-ik, -.jen- adj

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a biochemical process, occurring chiefly in the liver and in muscle, by which glycogen is broken down into glucose.

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gly·co·ge·nol·y·sis (gli″ko-jə-nolґə-sis) [glycogen + -lysis] the breakdown of glycogen to glucose by hydrolysis (as in digestion or within lysosomes) or phosphorolysis (as in mobilization of glycogen as a fuel).

Medical dictionary. 2011.