
Any hooklike structure. SYN: hook (2) . [L. dim. of hamus, hook]
- h. cochleae SYN: h. of spiral lamina.
- lacrimal h. [TA] the hooklike lower end of the lacrimal crest, curving between the frontal process and orbital surface of the maxilla to form the upper aperture of the bony portion of the nasolacrimal canal. SYN: h. lacrimalis [TA], hamular process of lacrimal bone.
- h. lacrimalis [TA] SYN: lacrimal h..
- h. laminae spiralis [TA] SYN: h. of spiral lamina.
- h. ossis hamati [TA] SYN: hook of hamate.
- pterygoid h. [TA] the inferior, hook-shaped extremity of the medial plate of the pterygoid process, which serves as a pulley (trochlea) for the tendon of the tensor veli palati muscle. SYN: hamular process of sphenoid bone, h. pterygoideus.
- h. pterygoideus SYN: pterygoid h..
- h. of spiral lamina [TA] the upper hooklike termination of the bony spiral lamina at the apex of the cochlea. SYN: h. laminae spiralis [TA], h. cochleae, hook of spiral lamina.

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ham·u·lus 'ham-yə-ləs n, pl -u·li -.lī, -.lē a hook or hooked process

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n. (pl. hamuli)
any hooklike process, such as occurs on the hamate, lacrimal, and sphenoid bones and on the cochlea.

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ham·u·lus (hamґu-ləs) pl. hamґuli [L. “little hook”] hook; a long, thin, curved structure.

Medical dictionary. 2011.