
Inflammation of a serous membrane with a fibrinous exudate that eventually becomes hyalinized, resulting in a relatively thick, dense, opaque, glistening, white or gray-white coating; when the process involves the visceral serous membranes of various organs, the grossly apparent condition is sometimes colloquially termed icing liver, sugar-coated spleen, frosted heart, and so on, depending on the site. [hyalo- + Mod. L. serosa, serous membrane, + -itis, inflammation]

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hy·a·lo·se·ro·si·tis (hi″ə-lo-se″ro-siґtis) [hyalo- + serositis] inflammation of serous membranes marked by hyalinization of the serous exudate into a pearly investment of the organ concerned.

Medical dictionary. 2011.