
1. Relating to or suffering from hydrophobia. 2. Lacking an affinity for water molecules, as opposed to hydrophilic. SYN: apolar (2). 3. Tending not to dissolve in water. 4. Nonpolar.

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hy·dro·pho·bic -'fō-bik adj
1) of, relating to, or suffering from hydrophobia
2) resistant to or avoiding wetting <a \hydrophobic lens>
3) of, relating to, or having a lack of affinity for water <\hydrophobic colloids are relatively unstable> compare LYOPHOBIC, OLEOPHOBIC
hy·dro·pho·bi·cal·ly -bi-k(ə-)lē adv
hy·dro·pho·bic·i·ty -.fō-'bis-ət-ē n, pl -ties

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hy·dro·pho·bic (hi″dro-foґbik) 1. pertaining to or affected with hydrophobia (rabies). 2. not readily absorbing water; adversely affected by water. 3. lacking polar groups and, therefore, insoluble in water.

Medical dictionary. 2011.