Increased levels of insulin in the plasma due to increased secretion of insulin by the beta cells of the pancreatic islets; decreased hepatic removal of insulin is a cause in some patients, although h. usually is associated with insulin resistance and is commonly found in obesity in association with varying degrees of hyperglycemia. SYN: hyperinsulinemia.
- alimentary h. elevated levels of insulin in the plasma following ingestion of meals by individuals with abnormally rapid gastric emptying ( e.g., following gastroenterostomy or vagotomy); rapid glucose absorption leads to excessive insulin release which in turn can lead to a marked fall in blood glucose to hypoglycemic levels.
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hy·per·in·su·lin·ism .hī-pə-'rin(t)-s(ə-)lə-.niz-əm n the presence of excess insulin in the body resulting in hypoglycemia
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1. excessive secretion of the hormone insulin by the islet cells of the pancreas.
2. metabolic disturbance due to administration of too much insulin.
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hy·per·in·su·lin·ism (hi″pər-inґsə-lin-iz″əm) 1. excessive secretion of insulin by the pancreatic islets, resulting in hypoglycemia. 2. insulin shock. 3. hyperinsulinemia.Medical dictionary. 2011.