
1. Having a lesser degree of tension. 2. Having a lesser osmotic pressure than a reference solution, which is ordinarily assumed to be blood plasma or interstitial fluid; more specifically, refers to a fluid in which cells would swell. SYN: hypoisotonic.

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hy·po·ton·ic .hī-pə-'tän-ik, -pō- adj
1) having deficient tone or tension <\hypotonic children>
2) having a lower osmotic pressure than a surrounding medium or a fluid under comparison <a \hypotonic solution> compare HYPERTONIC (2), isotonic (1)
hy·po·ton·i·cal·ly -i-k(ə-)lē adv

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1. describing a solution that has a lower osmotic pressure than another solution. See osmosis.
2. describing muscles that demonstrate diminished tonicity.

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hy·po·ton·ic (hi-po-tonґik) 1. denoting a solution which, when bathing body cells, causes a net flow of water across the semipermeable cell membrane into the cell. 2. denoting a solution having less tonicity than another solution, e.g., the blood, with which it is compared. 3. exhibiting hypotonia.

Medical dictionary. 2011.