
1. A leaning or sloping. 2. In dentistry, deviation of the long axis of a tooth from the perpendicular. SYN: inclinatio [TA], version (3). [L. inclinatio, a leaning]
- condylar guidance i. the angle of i. of the condylar guidance to an accepted horizontal plane.
- enamel rod i. the direction of the enamel rods with reference to the outer surface of the enamel of a tooth.
- lateral condylar i. the direction of the lateral condyle path.
- pelvic i. [TA] the angle that the plane of the superior pelvic aperture makes with the horizontal plane. SYN: inclinatio pelvis [TA], i. of pelvis.
- i. of pelvis SYN: pelvic i..

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in·cli·na·tion .in-klə-'nā-shən, .iŋ- n a deviation from the true vertical or horizontal esp the deviation of the long axis of a tooth or of the slope of a cusp from the vertical

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in·cli·na·tion (in″klĭ-naґshən) [L. inclinare to lean] 1. a deviation from the horizontal or vertical; a sloping or leaning. 2. deviation of the long axis of a tooth from the perpendicular line. 3. deviation of a portion of the surface of a tooth from the general plane of that surface. 4. description of the angles with the surface of a tooth at which the walls of a cavity may be cut, or of the relation of the opposing walls to each other, as outward inclination, inward inclination, etc. 5. inclination of enamel rods from a line perpendicular to the surface of a tooth.

Medical dictionary. 2011.