
SYN: identification. [L. in-, in, + corporare, pp. corporatus, to make into a body]

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in·cor·po·ra·tion in-.kȯr-pə-'rā-shən n
1) the process of taking in and uniting with something esp. by chemical reaction <the \incorporation of a radioisotope by living cells>
2) the psychological process of identifiying with or introjecting something <the \incorporation of the external world in the superego (G. S. Blum)>

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in·cor·po·ra·tion (in-kor″por-aґshən) [L. in into + corpus body] 1. the union of one substance with another, or with others, in a composite mass. 2. in psychoanalytic theory, a primitive unconscious defense mechanism in which aspects of another person are assimilated into the self through a figurative process of symbolic oral ingestion; it is the earliest mechanism of identification and is a form of introjection.

Medical dictionary. 2011.