
1. SYN: unconscious. 2. Not appreciable by the senses. [L. in-sensibilis, fr. in, neg. + sentio, pp. sensus, to feel]

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in·sen·si·ble -'sen(t)-sə-bəl adj
1) incapable or bereft of feeling or sensation: as
a) UNCONSCIOUS <knocked \insensible by a sudden blow>
b) lacking sensory perception or ability to react <\insensible to pain>
c) lacking emotional response: APATHETIC
2) not perceived by the senses <\insensible perspiration>
in·sen·si·bil·i·ty (.)in-.sen(t)-sə-'bil-ət-ē n, pl -ties

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in·sen·si·ble (in-senґsĭ-bəl) [in-2 + sensible] 1. not appreciable by or perceptible to the senses. 2. devoid of consciousness or of sensibility.

Medical dictionary. 2011.