
1. The cusp-to-fossa relation of the maxillary and mandibular posterior teeth to each other. 2. The interlocking or fitting together of the cusps of opposing teeth. SYN: interdigitation (4). SYN: intercusping.

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in·ter·cus·pa·tion -.kəs-'pā-shən or in·ter·cus·pi·da·tion -.kəs-pə-'dā-shən n the meshing together of cusps of opposing teeth in occlusion

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in·ter·cus·pa·tion (in″tər-kəs-paґshən) the fitting together of cusps of opposing teeth in occlusion; the cusp-to-fossa relationship of the upper and lower posterior teeth to each other.

Medical dictionary. 2011.