
1. Indicating a neuron functionally interposed between two or more other neurons. 2. Acting as a medium of communication between two organs. [L. internuntius (or -nuncius), a messenger between two parties, fr. inter, between, + nuncius, a messenger]

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in·ter·nun·ci·al .int-ər-'nən(t)-sē-əl, -'nu̇n(t)- adj of, relating to, or being interneurons <\internuncial fibers>
in·ter·nun·ci·al·ly -ə-lē adv
internuncial n interneuron

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in·ter·nun·ci·al (in″tər-nunґshe-əl) [L. internuncius a go-between] serving as a medium of communication between nerve cell bodies or neurons; see interneuron.

Medical dictionary. 2011.