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1. Necessary, indispensable, ( e.g., e. amino acid s, e. fatty acid s). 2. Characteristic of. 3. Determining. 4. Of unknown etiology. 5. Relating to an essence ( e.g., e. oil). 6. SYN: intrinsic.
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es·sen·tial i-'sen-chəl adj
1) being, relating to, or containing an essence <an \essential odor>
2) being a substance that is not synthesized by the body in a quantity sufficient for normal health and growth and that must be obtained from the diet <\essential fatty acids> compare nonessential
3) having no obvious or known cause: IDIOPATHIC <\essential disease>
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describing a disorder that is not apparently attributable to an outside cause; for example, essential hypertension.
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es·sen·tial (ə-senґshəl) [L. essentialis] 1. constituting the necessary or inherent part of a thing; giving a substance its peculiar and necessary qualities. 2. idiopathic; said of a disease. 3. indispensable; required in the diet, as essential fatty acids.Medical dictionary. 2011.