The dried root of Uragoga (Cephaelis) i. (family Rubiaceae), a shrub of Brazil and other parts of South America; contains emetine, cephaeline, emetamine, ipecacuanhic acid, psychotrine, and methylpsychotrine; has expectorant, emetic, and antidysenteric properties. SYN: ipecac. [native Brazilian word]
- de-emetinized i. i. from which the emetic principle has been extracted; has been used as an antidysenteric agent.
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a plant extract used in small doses, usually in the form of tinctures and syrups, as an expectorant to relieve coughing and to induce vomiting. Ipecacuanha irritates the digestive system, and high doses may cause severe digestive upsets.
Medical dictionary. 2011.