
Hydrated aluminum silicate; when powdered and freed from gritty particles by elution, k. is used as a demulcent and adsorbent; in dentistry, it is used to add toughness and opacity to porcelain teeth. SYN: aluminum silicate. [Ch. kao lin, High Ridge, name of a locality in China where the substance is found in abundance]

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ka·olin 'kā-ə-lən n a fine usu. white clay that is used in ceramics and refractories, as a filler or extender, and in medicine esp. as an adsorbent in the treatment of diarrhea (as in food poisoning or dysentery)

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a white clay that contains aluminium and silicon and is purified and powdered for use as an adsorbent. It is taken by mouth to treat chronic diarrhoea. Kaolin is also used in dusting powders and poultices.

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ka·o·lin (kaґo-lin) [Kao-Ling or Gao-Ling, city in southeastern China where it was first found] a type of hydrated aluminum silicate, found in the form of clay and purified to form the medicinal product. [USP] kaolin that has been purified and pulverized to form a white or light yellow powder with a claylike taste, used as an adsorbent and in the treatment of diarrhea, often in combination with pectin.

Medical dictionary. 2011.