Loss of subcutaneous fat, which may be total, congenital, and associated with hepatomegaly, excessive bone growth, and insulin-resistant diabetes. SYN: Lawrence-Seip syndrome, lipoatrophia, lipoatrophic diabetes. [G. lipos, fat, + a-, priv. + trophe, nourishment]
- partial l. SYN: progressive lipodystrophy.
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li·po·at·ro·phy .lip-ō-'a-trə-fē n, pl -phies an allergic reaction to insulin medication that is manifested as a loss of subcutaneous fat
li·po·atro·phic -(')ā-'trō-fik adj
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an immune reaction to insulin injections close to the site of injection, resulting in localized hollowing of the fat tissue, which is unsightly. It is rarely seen with more modern, highly purified, insulins.
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lipo·at·ro·phy (lip″o-atґro-fe) [lipo- + atrophy] 1. atrophy of subcutaneous fat. 2. lipodystrophy.Medical dictionary. 2011.