
A bluish discoloration of the skin, either in limited patches or general. [L. lividness, fr. liveo, to be black and blue]
- postmortem l. a purple coloration of dependent parts, except in areas of contact pressure, appearing within one half to two hours after death, as a result of gravitational movement of blood within the vessels. SYN: postmortem hypostasis, postmortem lividity, postmortem suggillation.
- l. reticularis a persistent purplish network-patterned discoloration of the skin caused by dilation of capillaries and venules due to stasis or changes in underlying blood vessel s including hyalinization; rarely appears as a developmental defect. SYN: dermatopathia pigmentosa reticularis.
- l. reticularis idiopathica an extensive and permanent form of l. reticularis; in rare instances associated with central arterial disease.
- l. reticularis symptomatica a discoloration or mottling of the skin due to some demonstrable cause, such as seen in erythema ab igne, and in certain tuberculids. SEE ALSO: cutis marmorata.
- l. telangiectatica a permanent mottling of the skin due to an anomaly, probably congenital, of the cutaneous capillaries; a form of l. reticularis.

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li·ve·do li-'vē-dō n a bluish usu. patchy discoloration of the skin

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a discoloured area or spot on the skin, often caused by local congestion of the circulation.

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li·ve·do (lĭ-veґdo) [L.] 1. a discolored spot or patch on the skin, often due to passive congestion. 2. l. reticularis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.