
Class name for those enzymes removing groups nonhydrolytically (EC class 4); prefixes such as “hydro-” and “ammonia-” are used to indicate the type of reaction. Trivial names for lyases include synthases, decarboxylases, aldolases, dehydratases. Cf.:synthase, synthetase.

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ly·ase 'lī-.ās, -.āz n an enzyme (as a decarboxylase) that forms double bonds by removing groups from a substrate other than by hydrolysis or that adds groups to double bonds

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one of a group of enzymes that catalyse the linking of groups by double bonds.

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ly·ase (liґās) [EC 4] a class of enzymes that catalyze the cleavage of CC, CO, CN, or other bonds without hydrolysis or oxidation to form two molecules, at least one of which contains a double bond. The reverse reaction occurs by the addition of a group to a molecule at a double bond. The class includes aldolases, deaminases, decarboxylases, hydratases or dehydratases, and other cleavage or cyclase enzymes. See also synthase.

Medical dictionary. 2011.