
1. In colloid chemistry, denoting a dispersed phase having a pronounced affinity for the dispersion medium; when the dispersed phase is l., the colloid is usually a reversible one. 2. Denoting a preference for the solvent. SYN: lyotropic. [lyo- + G. phileo, to love]

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lyo·phil·ic .lī-ə-'fil-ik adj marked by strong affinity between a dispersed phase and the liquid in which it is dispersed <a \lyophilic colloid> compare LYOPHOBIC, HYDROPHILIC, LIPOPHILIC, OLEOPHILIC

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lyo·phil·ic (li″o-filґik) [lyo- + -philic] having an affinity for, or stable in, solution; denoting a tendency of atoms or groups of atoms to be wetted by a solvent. See also under colloid.

Medical dictionary. 2011.