1. Performed by means of some apparatus, not manually. 2. Explaining phenomena in terms of mechanics. 3. Automatic. [G. mechanikos, relating to a machine, fr. mechane, a contrivance, machine]
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me·chan·i·cal mi-'kan-i-kəl adj
1) relating to the quantitative relations of force and matter <\mechanical pressure exerted by the bubbles in the tissues (H. G. Armstrong)>
2) caused by, resulting from, or relating to physical as opposed to biological or chemical processes or change <\mechanical injury> <\mechanical asphyxiation>
me·chan·i·cal·ly -i-k(ə-)lē adv
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me·chan·i·cal (mə-kanґĭ-kəl) [Gr. mēchanikos] 1. pertaining to or accomplished by physical forces or machinery. 2. performed by means of some artificial mechanism.Medical dictionary. 2011.