Portion of the broad ligament of the uterus that reflects onto and suspends the ovary. SYN: mesoarium. [meso- + L. ovarium, ovary]
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mes·ovar·i·um .mez-ō-'var-ē-əm, .mēz-, .mēs-, .mes- n, pl -ovar·ia -ē-ə the mesentery uniting the ovary with the body wall
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the mesentery of the ovaries.
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meso·va·ri·um (mez″o-) (me″zo-varґe-əm) [L.] [TA] the portion of the broad ligament of the uterus between the mesometrium and mesosalpinx; it is drawn out to enclose and hold the ovary in place. mesovarian adjMedical dictionary. 2011.