
Any product or substrate (foodstuff, intermediate, waste product) of metabolism, especially of catabolism. SYN: metabolin.
- primary m. a m. synthesized in a step in primary metabolism.
- secondary m. a m. synthesized in a step in secondary metabolism.

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me·tab·o·lite -.līt n
1) a product of metabolism:
a) a metabolic waste usu. more or less toxic to the organism producing it: EXCRETION
b) a product of one metabolic process that is essential to another such process in the same organism
c) a metabolic waste of one organism that is markedly toxic to another: ANTIBIOTIC
2) a substance essential to the metabolism of a particular organism or to a particular metabolic process

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a substance that takes part in the process of metabolism. Metabolites are either produced during metabolism or are constituents of food taken into the body.

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me·tab·o·lite (mə-tabґə-līt) any substance produced by metabolism or by a metabolic process.

Medical dictionary. 2011.