- m. with peromelia hypoplasia of the mandible with malformed and missing teeth, birdlike face, and severe deformities of the hands and forearms and sometimes of feet and legs. SYN: Hanhart syndrome.
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mi·cro·gna·thia .mī-krō-'nā-thē-ə, -'nath-ē-ə, .mī-.kräg- n abnormal smallness of one or both jaws
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a condition in which one or both jaws are unusually small.
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mi·cro·gna·thia (mi″kro-naґthe-ə) [micro- + gnath- + -ia] 1. abnormal smallness of the mandible; see also vertical overlap (def. 1). Called also micromandible, and brachygnathia. 2. micromaxilla.Medical dictionary. 2011.