
The standard unit of genetic distance on the genetic map: the distance between two loci such that on average one crossing over will occur per meiosis; for working purposes, the centimorgan (0.01 M) is used. [T.H. M., U.S. geneticist, 1866–1945]

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mor·gan 'mȯr-gən n
1) a unit of inferred distance between genes on a chromosome that is used in constructing genetic maps and is equal to the distance for which the frequency of crossing-over is 100 percent
Morgan Thomas Hunt (1866-1945)
American geneticist. Morgan spent much of his career as a professor of experimental biology at Columbia University. He became a pioneer in the developing science of genetics. In 1908 and 1909 he began a series of experiments first with mice and rats and then with fruit flies of the genus Drosophila. During the next several years he discovered many mutant traits, such as eye colors, body colors, and wing variations, and determined the modes of heredity. He and the members of his experimental laboratory made such advances in genetics as a clear understanding of sex-linkage, final proof of the chromosome theory of heredity, establishment of the linear arrangement of genes in the chromosome, the demonstration of interference in crossing-over, and the discovery of chromosomal inversions. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1933.

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mor·gan (M) (morґgən) [Thomas Hunt Morgan, American zoologist and Nobel prize winner, 1866–1945] a unit of distance on a linkage map; see centimorgan.

Medical dictionary. 2011.