1. Having the power of spontaneous movement. 2. Denoting the type of mental imagery in which one learns and recalls most readily that which has been felt, i.e., having a kinesthetic representational system. Cf.:audile. 3. A person having such mental imagery. [see motion]
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mo·tile 'mōt-əl, 'mō-.tīl adj exhibiting or capable of movement <\motile cilia>
motile n a person whose prevailing mental imagery is motor rather than visual or auditory and takes the form of inner feelings of action compare AUDILE, TACTILE, VISUALIZER
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being able to move spontaneously, without external aid: usually applied to a microorganism or a cell (e.g. a sperm cell).
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mo·tile (moґtəl) (moґtīl) having spontaneous but not conscious or volitional movement.Medical dictionary. 2011.