
In psychology, the aggregate of all the individual motives, needs, and drives operative in an individual at any given moment which influence will and cause behavior. [ML. motivus, moving]
- extrinsic m. the search for satisfaction, or to avoid dissatisfaction, through nontask aspects of the environment such as seeking comfort, safety, and security from others or through the efforts of others.
- intrinsic m. derivation of personal satisfaction through self-initiated achievement and behavior.
- personal m. an individual's predispositions and expectations that give meaning and direction to personality functioning.

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mo·ti·va·tion .mōt-ə-'vā-shən n
1 a) the act or process of motivating
b) the condition of being motivated
2) a motivating force, stimulus, or influence (as a drive or incentive) <lacks the \motivation to lose weight>
mo·ti·va·tion·al -shnəl, -shən-əl adj
mo·ti·va·tion·al·ly adv

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mo·ti·va·tion (mo″tĭ-vaґshən) in psychology, any of the forces that activate behavior toward satisfying needs or achieving goals.

Medical dictionary. 2011.