A genus of taeniid tapeworms in which the larval forms in herbivores occur in the form of a coenurus (multiple scoleces invaginated within a single cyst). [multi- + L. caput, head]
- M. m. a species the mature form of which occurs in the intestines of dogs; the coenurus develops in the brains of herbivorous animals, especially sheep; the cyst is often called Coenurus cerebralis.
- M. serialis a species the mature form of which is found in the intestine of dogs; the coenurus is found in the subcutaneous tissues of rabbits.
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mul·ti·ceps 'məl-tə-.seps n
1) cap a genus of cyclophyllidean tapeworms of the family Taeniidae that have a coenurus larva parasitic in ruminants, rodents, and rarely humans and that include the parasite of gid (M. multiceps) and other worms typically parasitic on carnivores
Medical dictionary. 2011.