A localized contraction of a degenerating muscle, occurring at the point of a sharp blow, independent of the nerve supply. SYN: idiomuscular contraction, mounding, myoidema. [myo- + G. oidema, swelling]
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myo·ede·ma or Brit myo-oe·de·ma .mī-ō-i-'dē-mə n, pl -mas also -ma·ta -mət-ə the formation of a lump in a muscle when struck a slight blow that occurs in states of exhaustion or in certain diseases
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myo·ede·ma (mi″o-ə-deґmə) [myo- + edema] 1. the rising in a lump by a wasting muscle when struck; called also mounding. 2. edema of a muscle.Medical dictionary. 2011.