
Any enzyme capable of hydrolyzing a peptide bond of a peptide; e.g., carboxypeptidases, aminopeptidases. SYN: peptide hydrolase.
- p. D SYN: proline dipeptidase.
- p. P SYN: peptidyl dipeptidase A.

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pep·ti·dase 'pep-tə-.dās, -.dāz n an enzyme that hydrolyzes simple peptides or their derivatives compare PROTEASE

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one of a group of digestive enzymes that split proteins in the stomach and intestine into their constituent amino acids. The group is divided into the endopeptidase and exopeptidase.

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pep·ti·dase (pepґtĭ-dās) [EC 3.4] any member of a subclass of enzymes of the hydrolase class that catalyze the hydrolysis of peptide bonds; it comprises the exopeptidases and endopeptidases. Called also peptide hydrolase.

Medical dictionary. 2011.