
Blood in the urine. Hematuria may or may not be accompanied by pain, but it is always abnormal and should be further investigated. Painful hematuria can be caused by a number of disorders, including infections and stones in the urinary tract. Painless hematuria can also be due to many causes, including cancer. See also hematuria, gross; microhematuria.
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Presence of blood or red blood cells in the urine. [hemato- + G. ouron, urine]
- Egyptian h. SYN: schistosomiasis haematobium.
- endemic h. SYN: schistosomiasis haematobium.
- false h. SYN: pseudohematuria.
- gross h. the presence of blood in the urine in sufficient quantity to be visible to the naked eye.
- initial h. the presence of blood only in the first fraction of voided urine, usually indicating a urethral or prostatic source of bleeding.
- microscopic h. presence of blood cells in urine, visible only under the microscope.
- painful h. h. associated with dysuria, usually indicating the coexistence of infection, trauma, calculi, or foreign bodies within the lower urinary tract.
- painless h. h. not associated with dysuria, often connoting a vascular or neoplastic etiology.
- renal h. h. resulting from extravasation of blood into the glomerular spaces, or tubules, or pelves of the kidneys.
- terminal h. the presence of blood only in the last fraction of voided urine, usually indicating a prostatic source of bleeding.
- total h. blood throughout all fractions of the voided urine, commonly indicating an upper or mid-urinary tract source of bleeding.
- urethral h. h. in which the site of bleeding is in the urethra.
- vesical h. h. in which the site of bleeding is in the urinary bladder.

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he·ma·tu·ria or chiefly Brit hae·ma·tu·ria .hē-mə-'t(y)u̇r-ē-ə n the presence of blood or blood cells in the urine

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he·ma·tu·ria (he″mə-) (hem″ə-tuґre-ə) [hemat- + -uria] blood (erythrocytes) in the urine; called also erythrocyturia.

Medical dictionary. 2011.