
A calcific deposit in a venous wall or thrombus; commonly seen on abdominal radiographs in the lower pelvic region. SYN: phlebolite, vein stone. [phlebo- + G. lithos, stone]

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phle·bo·lith 'flē-bə-.lith n a calculus in a vein usu. resulting from the calcification of an old thrombus

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a stone-like structure, usually found incidentally on abdominal X-ray, that results from deposition of calcium in a venous blood clot. It appears as a small round white opacity in the pelvic region. It does not produce symptoms and requires no treatment.

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phlebo·lith (flebґo-lith) [phlebo- + -lith] a calculus in a vein.

Medical dictionary. 2011.