A resinous substance obtained from tar after the volatile substances have been expelled by boiling. SYN: pix. [L. pix]
- Burgundy p. a resinous exudation from the spruce fir or Norway spruce, Picea excelsa; has been used as a counterirritant in the form of a plaster. SYN: white p..
- liquid p. SYN: pine tar.
- white p. SYN: Burgundy p..
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pitch 'pich n
1) a black or dark viscous substance obtained as a residue in the distillation of organic materials and esp. tars
2) resin obtained from various conifers and often used medicinally
pitch n the property of a sound and esp. a musical tone that is determined by the frequency of the waves producing it: highness or lowness of sound
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(pich) [L. pix] 1. a dark, lustrous, more or less viscous residue from the distillation of tar and other substances; it can cause pitch poisoning in domestic animals and precancerous pitch warts on the skin of humans. 2. any of various bituminous substances such as natural asphalt. 3. a resin from the sap of some coniferous trees. 4. the quality of sound dependent principally on its frequency.Medical dictionary. 2011.