
In dentistry, the formation of well defined, relatively deep depressions in a surface, usually used in describing defects in surfaces (often golds, solder joints, or amalgam). It may arise from a variety of causes, although the clinical occurrence is often associated with corrosion. SEE ALSO: p. edema, nail pits, under pit.

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pitting n
1) the action or process of forming pits (as in acned skin, a tooth, or a dental restoration)
2) the formation of a depression or indentation in living tissue that is produced by pressure with a finger or blunt instrument and disappears only slowly following release of the pressure in some forms of edema

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the formation of depressed scars, as occurs on the skin following smallpox or acne. Pitting oedema is swelling of the tissues due to excess fluid in which fingertip pressure leaves temporary indentations in the skin.

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pit·ting (pit̉‘ing) 1. the formation, usually by scarring, of a small depression. 2. becoming indented with firm pressure and remaining that way when the pressure is removed; see under edema. 3. the removal from erythrocytes, by the spleen, of certain structures, such as iron granules, without destruction of the cells.

Medical dictionary. 2011.