1. The property of having two opposite poles, as that possessed by a magnet. 2. The possession of opposite properties or characteristics. 3. The direction or orientation of positivity relative to negativity. 4. The direction along a polynucleotide chain, or any biopolymer or macrostructure ( e.g., microtubules). 5. With respect to solvents, ionizing power. 6. The tendency of an organism to develop differentially along an axis. [Mod. L. polaris, polar]
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1) the quality or condition inherent in a body that exhibits contrasting properties or powers in contrasting parts or directions
2) attraction toward a particular object or in a specific direction
3) the particular state either positive or negative with reference to the two poles or to electrification
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po·lar·i·ty (po-larґĭ-te) 1. the fact or condition of having poles. 2. the exhibition of opposite effects at the two extremities. 3. the presence of an axial gradient and exhibition by a nerve of both anelectrotonus and catelectrotonus. 4. the orientation of intracellular structures to the tissue as a whole.Medical dictionary. 2011.