
A short stretch of nucleotides (DNA or RNA) with an almost identical base sequence in all genes that contain that stretch. Homeoboxes occur in many organisms from fruit flies to human beings and appear to determine when particular groups of genes are expressed during development.
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A highly conserved DNA sequence of about 180 base pairs near the 3′ end of specific homeotic genes; it encodes a DNA-binding domain that allows the h. proteins to bind to and regulate gene expression in development. SYN: homeodomain.

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ho·meo·box 'hō-mē-ō-.bäks n a short usu. highly conserved DNA sequence in various genes and esp. homeotic genes that encodes a homeodomain

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ho·meo·box (hoґme-o-boks″) any of a class of highly conserved DNA sequences, approximately 180 base pairs long, encoding a protein domain involved in binding to DNA; named for its initial discovery as a Drosophila locus important in homeotic mutation, but it also occurs in many other species, including humans, and is usually found in genes that control development.

Medical dictionary. 2011.