
Chronic inflammation with effusions in several serous cavities; can result in fibrous thickening of the serosa, including constrictive pericarditis. SYN: Bamberger disease (2), Concato disease, multiple serositis. [poly- + L. serum, serum, + G. -itis, inflammation]
- familial paroxysmal p. [MIM*249100] transient recurring attacks of abdominal pain, fever, pleurisy, arthritis, and rash; the condition is asymptomatic between attacks; autosomal recessive inheritance, caused by mutation in the marenostrin gene on 16p. There is an autosomal dominant form [MIM*134610] in which amyloidosis in common. SYN: benign paroxysmal peritonitis, familial Mediterranean fever, familial recurrent p., Mediterranean fever (2), periodic peritonitis, periodic p..
- familial recurrent p. SYN: familial paroxysmal p..
- periodic p. SYN: familial paroxysmal p..
- recurrent p. familial Mediterranean fever.

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poly·se·ro·si·tis -.sir-ə-'sīt-əs n inflammation of several serous membranes (as the pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum) at the same time called also Concato's disease

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inflammation of the membranes that line the chest, abdomen, and joints, with accumulation of fluid in the cavities. Commonly the condition is inherited and intermittent and is termed familial Mediterranean fever. If complicated by infiltration of major organs by a glycoprotein (see amyloidosis) the disease usually proves fatal. Regular administration of colchicine will prevent the attacks in 95% of patients.

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poly·se·ro·si·tis (pol″e-sēr″o-siґtis) [poly- + serositis] general inflammation of serous membranes with serous effusion; see also Concato disease.

Medical dictionary. 2011.