Simultaneous and continuous monitoring of relevant normal and abnormal physiologic activity during sleep. [poly- + L. somnus, sleep, + G. grapho, to write]
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poly·som·nog·ra·phy -fē n, pl -phies the technique or process of using a polygraph to make a continuous record during sleep of multiple physiological variables (as breathing, heart rate, and muscle activity)
poly·som·no·graph·ic -.säm-nə-'graf-ik adj
poly·som·no·graph·i·cal·ly -i-k(ə-)lē adv
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poly·som·nog·ra·phy (pol″e-som-nogґrə-fe) [polygraph + somni- + -graphy] the polygraphic recording during sleep of multiple physiologic variables, both directly and indirectly related to the state and stages of sleep, to assess possible biological causes of sleep disorders.Medical dictionary. 2011.