
The exercise of the profession of medicine or one of the allied health professions. [Mediev. L. practica, business, G. praktikos, pertaining to action]
- extramural p. delivery of health care services by university faculties or full-time hospital staff to persons beyond the physical confines of their respective medical centers.
- family p. a specialty of medicine in which the physician takes responsibility for the health and medical care of all members of a family group, regardless of age or gender, but usually does limited amounts of obstetrics and surgery.
- general p. a relatively obsolete term for physicians who care for all types of medical problems, including internal medical, pediatric, obstetrical, and surgical diseases. Postgraduate training for general practitioners was limited and there was no specialty certification; the field has been replaced by more extensively trained family practitioners.
- group p. the cooperative p. of medicine by a group of physicians, each of whom as a rule specializes in some particular field; such a group often shares a common suite of consulting rooms, laboratories, staff, equipment, etc.
- intramural p. delivery of health care services by university faculties or full-time hospital staff conducted within the physical confines of their respective medical centers.

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prac·tice or prac·tise 'prak-təs vb, prac·ticed or prac·tised; prac·tic·ing or prac·tis·ing vt to be professionally engaged in <\practice medicine> vi to pursue a profession actively
practice also practise n
1) the continuous exercise of a profession
2) a professional business esp one constituting an incorporeal property <the doctor sold his \practice and retired>

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prac·tice (prakґtis) [Gr. praktikē] the use of one's knowledge in a particular profession, the practice of medicine being the exercise of one's knowledge in the practical recognition and treatment of disease.

Medical dictionary. 2011.