
1. Pertaining to a prototroph. 2. Denoting the ability to undertake anabolism or to obtain nourishment from a single source, as with iron, sulfur, or nitrifying bacteria or photosynthesizing plants.

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pro·to·tro·phic .prōt-ə-'trō-fik adj
1) deriving nutriment from inorganic sources <\prototrophic bacteria>
2) not requiring specific nutritional substances for normal metabolism and reproduction: not differing from the wild type in nutritional requirements used esp. of bacteria and fungi <a yeast \prototrophic for uracil and leucine> compare auxotrophic
pro·tot·ro·phy prō-'tä-trə-fē n, pl -phies

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pro·to·tro·phic (pro″to-troґfik) having the same growth factor requirements as the ancestral or prototype strain; said of microbial mutants.

Medical dictionary. 2011.