
Apparent paralysis due to voluntary inhibition of motion because of pain, incoordination, or other cause, but without actual paralysis. SYN: pseudoparesis (1).
- arthritic general p. a disease, occurring in arthritic subjects, having symptoms resembling those of general paresis, the lesions of which consist of diffuse changes of a degenerative and noninflammatory character due to intracranial atheroma.
- congenital atonic p. SYN: amyotonia congenita.

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pseu·do·pa·ral·y·sis .süd-ə-pə-'ral-ə-səs n, pl -y·ses -.sēz apparent lack or loss of muscular power (as that produced by pain) that is not accompanied by true paralysis

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pseu·do·pa·ral·y·sis (soo″do-pə-ralґĭ-sis) 1. apparent loss of muscular power because of pain that is not neurologic in origin, marked by defective coordination of movements or by repression of movement. 2. hysterical paralysis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.