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SYN: jaundice. [G. ikteros]
- acquired hemolytic i. i. and anemia occuring in association with a moderate degree of splenomegaly, increased fragility of red blood cells, and increased amounts of urobilin in the urine. SYN: icteroanemia.
- cythemolytic i. i. caused by absorption of bile produced in excess through stimulation by free hemoglobin caused by the destruction of red blood corpuscles.
- i. gravis jaundice associated with high fever and delirium; seen in severe hepatitis and other diseases of the liver with severe functional failure. SYN: malignant jaundice.
- infectious i. SYN: Weil disease.
- i. neonatorum SYN: physiologic i.. SYN: physiologic jaundice.
- physiologic i. SYN: i. neonatorum.
- i. praecox a relatively innocent but rapidly developing type of jaundice with mild anemia in the newborn, most frequently caused by ABO incompatibility between mother and fetus.
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ic·ter·us (ikґtər-əs) [L., from Gr. ikteros] jaundice. icteric adjMedical dictionary. 2011.