
1. Retraction of the mandible from any given point. 2. The backward movement of the mandible. [L. retrudo, pp. -trusus, to push back]

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re·tru·sion ri-'trü-zhən n backward displacement specif a condition in which a tooth or the jaw is posterior to its proper occlusal position

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n. (in dentistry)
1. backward movement of the lower jaw.
2. a malocclusion in which some of the teeth are further back than usual. Compare protrusion.

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re·tru·sion (re-trooґzhən) [L. re- back + trudere to shove] 1. the state of being located posterior to the normal position, such as the mandible or a tooth displaced in the line of occlusion. 2. the backward movement of the mandible. the pressing backward of the teeth.

Medical dictionary. 2011.