
1. Causing a reddening of the skin. 2. A counterirritant that produces erythema when applied to the skin surface. [L. rubi-facio, fr. ruber, red, + facio, to make]

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ru·be·fa·cient .rü-bə-'fā-shənt adj causing redness of the skin <a \rubefacient cream>
rubefacient n a substance (as capsaicin) for external application that produces redness of the skin

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an agent that causes reddening and warming of the skin. Rubefacients are often used as counterirritant for the relief of muscular pain.

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ru·be·fa·cient (roo″bə-faґshənt) [ruber + -facient] 1. causing reddening of the skin. 2. an agent that reddens the skin by producing active or passive hyperemia.

Medical dictionary. 2011.