
1. Firm; compact; not fluid; without interstices or cavities; not cancellous. 2. A body that retains its form when not confined; one that is not fluid, neither liquid nor gaseous. [L. solidus]

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sol·id 'säl-əd adj
1) being without an internal cavity: not hollow <\solid tumors>
2) possessing or characterized by the properties of a solid: neither gaseous nor liquid
3) of immunity capable of resisting severe challenge
sol·id·ly adv
solid n
1) a substance that does not flow perceptibly under moderate stress, has a definite capacity for resisting forces (as compression or tension) which tend to deform it, and under ordinary conditions retains a definite size and shape
2) the part of a solution or suspension that when freed from solvent or suspending medium has the qualities of a solid usu. used in pl. <milk \solids>

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sol·id (solґid) [L. solidus] not 1. fluid or gaseous. not 2. hollow. 3. a substance or tissue not fluid or gaseous.

Medical dictionary. 2011.