
Characteristic of a given species; serum that is produced by the injection of immunogens into an animal, and that acts only upon the cells, protein, etc., of a member of the same species as that from which the original antigen was obtained.

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species-spe·cif·ic -spi-'sif-ik adj relating to or being a substance (as an antigen or drug) that is limited in action or effect to a particular species and esp. to the species from which it is derived <interferon is a \species-specific substance>

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spe·cies-spe·cif·ic (spe″sēz-spə-sifґik) 1. characteristic of a particular species. 2. having a characteristic effect on, or interaction with, cells or tissues of members of a particular species; said of an antigen, drug, or infective agent.

Medical dictionary. 2011.