
To produce sterility.

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ster·il·ize also Brit ster·il·ise 'ster-ə-.līz vt, -ized also Brit -ised; -iz·ing also Brit -is·ing to make sterile:
a) to deprive of the power of reproducing
b) to free from living microorganisms (as by the use of physical or chemical agents) <\sterilize a surgical instrument>
ster·il·iza·tion .ster-ə-lə-'zā-shən also Brit ster·il·isa·tion -.lī-' n

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ster·i·lize (sterґĭ-līz) 1. to render sterile; to free from microorganisms. 2. to render incapable of reproduction.

Medical dictionary. 2011.