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Lateral and posterior curvature of the spine; severe congestive heart failure can be a late complication. SYN: scoliokyphosis. [G. kyphosis, kyphosis, + scoliosis, curved]
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ky·pho·sco·li·o·sis .kī-fō-.skō-lē-'ō-səs n, pl -o·ses -.sēz backward and lateral curvature of the spine
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abnormal curvature of the spine both forwards and sideways: kyphosis combined with scoliosis. The deformity may occur during growth for no apparent reason (idiopathic kyphoscoliosis) or may result from any of several diseases involving the vertebrae and spinal muscles. Special braces can reduce the extent of the deformity if this is mild. Severe deformity requires surgical correction by fusion of the spine.
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ky·pho·sco·li·o·sis (ki″fo-sko″le-oґsis) [kyphosis + scoliosis] backward and lateral curvature of the vertebral column, as in vertebral osteochondrosis (Scheuermann disease).Medical dictionary. 2011.